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DRIVE Travel

Baru-baru ini (27 Ogos 2023), saya telah memasuki Maybank Marathon, Bali. Saya ingin berkongsi pengalaman bagaimana saya memandu secara sendiri menggunakan kereta sewa di Bali. Ini adalah dari segi kaca mata pelancong Malaysia.

1. Saya telah menyewa kereta sewa dari Wahdah... read more

Ahmad Amran
on 05/09/2023
Danielon 14/09/2023
Ahmad Amran's Bali adventure was simply enchanting, and I can't wait for our Bali trip soon!
DRIVE Travel

Do foreigner/tourist need an IDL/IDP to rental with WAHDAH? read more

S***** I****** B**
on 21/07/2023
WAHDAH Travel & Tours Sdn Bhdon 21/07/2023
Hi! 1) Foreign Driver's License (IDL) that are included in the above pdf can be used here up to 90 days for tourists to Malaysia that are on tourist visas. 2) Alternatively, can also apply for International Driver's Permit (IDP), but subject to JPJ rules or their home country's guidelines...
DRIVE Travel

You should consider checking these items before you leave for a road trip, whether you want to 'balik kampung' or go for a short holiday, please remember to maintain a good car condition

1) Fill up your gas tank
2) Check your car battery
3) Check tire pressure and treads

Anything else did... read more

P***** A*****
on 09/07/2023
Danielon 10/07/2023
Check radiator water level
Page 2 of 2, showing 3 out of 8 total


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